Sri Lanka is a beautiful country with so much to offer in terms of culture, food, and natural beauty. Unfortunately, many tourists never get to experience true Sri Lankan cuisine because they can’t read and understand the menu items. With our QR code menu, customers can scan and see your menu on their phones or tablets. And with food videos on autoplay, they can watch how your signature dishes are made.

QRMeals come with a POS system so easy with checkouts. 60 days free trials. Increase sales by Sri Lankan food is truly unique and deserves to be experienced by everyone who visits Sri Lanka. With QRMeals, restaurants can provide an authentic Sri Lankan dining experience that will encourage visitors to come back again and again.

qr menu orderingqr menuqr menu ordering

Restaurants and hotels in Colombo can use this service to increase sales by 30%. This is a great way to show off the best of what Sri Lanka has to offer! Visit today to learn more about how QRMeals can help your business succeed.

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